Wolf boy is welcomed home by mother after years in the wild
The mother of Romania's "Mowgli Boy" took her son home for the first time last week after he spent years living with wild animals in the forests of Transylvania.Lina Caldarar has already had one heart-stopping moment since being reunited with Traian, seven, when he ran in front of a car to chase a cat.The feral child - nicknamed Mowgli by hospital staff after the character in The Jungle Book - was found by a shepherd two months ago, barely alive, huddled in a cardboard box, naked and the size of a three-year-old. He had forgotten how to speak.His mother, who recognised him on a television news report, said that she fled from her husband's home three years ago after he beat her. She believes that Traian ran away for the same reason.
Doctors say it would have been almost impossible for him to have survived alone, and think that he was looked after by wild dogs in the Transylvanian forests.When rescued, he was suffering from severe malnutrition and rickets, and his circulation was bad, possibly because of earlier frostbite. He became violent when hungry, and preferred to sleep under his bed.
He was kept under observation in an orphanage in Brasov, 150 miles from Bucharest, until last week when the authorities ruled his mother fit to look after him.Ms Caldarar, 23, said: "I loved my son, but I had a violent husband who beat me. When I fled, I lost contact with Traian, although I tried to get him back.
"I never stopped thinking about him but there was nothing I could do. I hoped he had perhaps been adopted by another family."
Traian's new home is less than seven miles from where he was found in February. He lives in the remote village of Vistea de Jos with his mother, her parents and her three brothers and three sisters.
The youngest of Ms Caldarar's brothers, Mihai, who is nine, has become Traian's best friend, although they cannot yet hold a conversation. Although the boy has made progress in re-integrating, his mother says he still has a long way to go.
"He still hasn't got used to saying when he needs to go to the lavatory," she said. "Someone needs to keep an eye on him at all times because it's easy for him to get hurt."He still can't identify the dangers in the street. Like an untrained puppy, when he sees something interesting like a cat on the other side of the road, he'll just run across, regardless of whether there are cars coming."
She is relieved, however, that her son has gained weight. "When he came here, he wasn't even able to climb five stairs. I don't think he would have lasted much longer in the wild. He was so weak. But now he can do that all alone. Doctors tell me he has strengthened, and this is a good sign."
Traian has learnt to share sweets with friends, yet only two months ago he was desperately defending his food and growling for another plate before finishing the one in his hands. "My husband starved us both," his mother said. "He didn't give us food for days."
Traian Ciurar, 24, the boy's father, is married to Ms Caldarar under Gypsy law."I ran away from my husband and came back to my parents when Traian was only four, which was three years ago. He was beating me badly.
"He didn't allow me to take my child, even though I tried to. He said the child belonged to him. Looking back, I'm sure he was beating Traian, and that's why he ran away."I tried to see my boy after I fled, but my husband got his relatives to tell me that Traian was not at home."
Ms Caldarar had lost touch with her husband, but then came the television report. She said: "I said to my mum, 'that's my son - that's Traian'.
"They were showing him while he was in hospital. My mum couldn't believe it. She said, 'no, Lina, it's not him. Calm down'. But I recognised him.
"I went with my mother to the hospital in Fagaras and there he was. The doctor asked my son, `Who is this woman?' He recognised me immediately. He said, `Lina; Mum.' They are still some of the only words he knows."
Police are trying to track down the boy's father, who could be charged with abandonment and abuse.
Traian was found by Manolescu Ioan, the shepherd, who was walking across country after his car broke down. Nearby was the body of a dog, which the boy had apparently been eating.The child was taken to hospital in the town of Fagaras, where Mircea Florea, a surgeon, said: "He was found in an animal position, and his movements are animalistic. The facts show that he was not brought up in a social environment and might have been abandoned a long time ago.
"He was not fussy. He ate everything we gave him, but didn't know what fruit was."
Traian has dark skin, flared nostrils and downy brown hair - now washed and cut short. "He has now started to learn how to behave himself," said Dr Florea. "With proper care, he can learn how to become a human being."
Also, check out feralchildren.com.
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